Ladataan Tapahtumat


21.3. @ 09:00 - 22.3. @ 23:30
Event updated as we get more information.
Fööni Open 2025!
FS4 AAA (Open) – 580€
FS4 A – 580€
VFS 4-way (Open) – 580€
D4W Open (speed only) – 580€
D2W Open (speed only) – 380€
Solo Speed – 200€
Dynamic Lines – 380€
Solo Freestyle Open- 280€
Solo Freestyle intermediate – 280€
Fee includes organizing fee of 100€ per team member. If you participate in for example D2W and solo speed, you pay 380€ for D2W, and the price for solo speed will be only 100€, as the organizing fee is already paid for.
Training time pricing during competition week:
under 2h: 550€/h
over 2h: 500€/h
5h+: 450€/h


Hermannin rantatie 11
Helsinki, 00580 Finland